
  1. Log in to your WildApricot account. From the Dashboard, go to Website:

    TermsFeed WildApricot - Admin Dashboard - Website

  2. Switch to the Page Template tab and select the template you want to edit. In our example, it's Standard template (Header & Footer):

    TermsFeed WildApricot - Website - Page Template tab - Standard template selected

  3. When the template opens, click Edit:

    TermsFeed WildApricot - Website - Page Template - Standard template - Edit

  4. Scroll to the footer section. Click inside the Content gadget to edit it:

    TermsFeed WildApricot - Website - Page Template - Standard template - Editor - Content - Click to Edit

  5. Select the Privacy Policy text. Go to the Link icon from the Content editor and select the Insert Link option:

    TermsFeed WildApricot - Website - Page Template - Standard template - Editor - Content - Select Privacy Policy text - Open link options - Select Insert link

  6. The Insert link dialog will open. Insert your URL in the field.

    To get a Privacy Policy URL link, go to the TermsFeed Privacy Policy Generator to create a Privacy Policy and get the hosted Privacy Policy URL.

    Once you have a Privacy Policy created by TermsFeed, click Copy from the Link to your Privacy Policy section to copy the URL:

    TermsFeed Generators App: Privacy Policy Download Page - Link to hosted Privacy Policy URL copy option highlighted

  7. Paste your Privacy Policy URL in the Website URL:

    TermsFeed WildApricot - Website - Page Template - Standard template - Editor - Content - Privacy Policy - Insert link dialog - Paste

  8. Click the Insert link at the bottom to save changes:

    TermsFeed WildApricot - Website - Page Template - Standard template - Editor - Content - Privacy Policy - Insert link dialog - Pasted - save changes

  9. Click Save at the top left:

    TermsFeed WildApricot - Website - Page Template - Standard template - Editor - Content - Privacy Policy link added - Save

  10. Use Public View to preview changes:

    TermsFeed WildApricot - Website - Page Template - Standard template - Editor - Content - Link added - Saved - Public View

  11. The Privacy Policy page is now linked and displayed in the footer:

    TermsFeed WildApricot - Preview of the website further with Privacy Policy linked and displayed