You can download these instructions as PDF file.


  1. Log in to your Webflow account:

    TermsFeed: Webflow Login screen

  2. Once logged into the Webflow dashboard, click View Site:

    TermsFeed Webflow: Dashboard with View Site option highlighted

  3. Scroll down to your website's footer and click on the Plus (+) button to add a new element:

    TermsFeed Webflow: Footer section with Add button highlighted

  4. Under Elements, from Basics, click Div Block:

    ermsFeed Webflow: Add Elements - Basic - Div Block highlighted

  5. The new Div Block will be shown in the selected section:

    TermsFeed Webflow: Add Elements - Basic - Div Block added highlighted

  6. Go to the Plus (+) option and add a Heading in the Div Block:

    TermsFeed Webflow: Add Elements - Typography - Heading highlighted

  7. To style your heading, make sure that the brush is selected in the right panel menu. Under the Selector, type the name of your new style or search for styles that already exist.

    In our example we've used Footer Title style for the heading. When added, this change will be applied automatically to your website footer heading.

    TermsFeed Webflow: Heading styles - Selector - Footer Title highlighted

  8. Rename your heading if needed. For example, "Legal":

    TermsFeed Webflow: Heading Footer Title - Legal highlighted

  9. To add the legal links in the footer, go to the Add section and choose Link under Typography elements. Drag and drop it in the same Div Block below the heading you've added previously:

    TermsFeed Webflow: Footer - Legal -  Add Link element highlighted

  10. Double click on Text Link and replace it with the name of your policy. For example, "Privacy Policy":

    TermsFeed Webflow: Footer - Legal - Link element added highlighted

  11. To add the Privacy Policy URL, click the Gear icon on the right side and add your link in the URL field under Link Settings:

    TermsFeed Webflow: Footer - Legal - Link Settings - Privacy Policy URL field  highlighted

  12. To get a Privacy Policy URL link, go to the TermsFeed Privacy Policy Generator to create a Privacy Policy and get the hosted Privacy Policy URL.

    Once you have a Privacy Policy created by TermsFeed, click Copy from the Link to your Privacy Policy section to copy the URL:

    TermsFeed Generators App: Privacy Policy Download Page - Link to hosted Privacy Policy URL copy option highlighted

  13. Paste the Privacy Policy URL in the URL field:

    TermsFeed Webflow: Footer - Legal - Link Settings - Paste highlighted

  14. Style your footer link as you wish with the brush option on the right side:

    TermsFeed Webflow: Footer - Legal - Link Settings - Style highlighted

  15. To preview your changes, click on the eye icon in the top menu:

    TermsFeed Webflow: Footer - Legal - Link Settings - Preview highlighted

You're done.