
  1. Log in to Ucraft. Click Edit:

    TermsFeed Ucraft - My Sites - Edit website highlighted

  2. Go to the Dashboard:

    TermsFeed Ucraft - Edit website - Dashboard highlighted

  3. Select Pages:

    TermsFeed Ucraft - Edit website - Dashboard - Pages highlighted

  4. Switch to the System Pages tab and open the Terms and Conditions page:

    TermsFeed Ucraft - Pages - System - Terms and Conditions page highlighted

  5. Delete the placeholder text and its title:

    TermsFeed Ucraft - Terms and Conditions page - Delete option  highlighted

  6. Go to Elements:

    TermsFeed Ucraft - page is empty - Elements   highlighted

  7. Drag and drop the Custom HTML element onto the page:

    TermsFeed Ucraft - Pages - System - page - Elements  - Custom HTML - drag and drop highlighted

  8. Type "Terms and Conditions" in the first field as the label on the HTML page:

    TermsFeed Ucraft - Pages - System - Terms and Conditions page - Custom HTML - Enter label highlighted

  9. In the field below, enter your HTML code.

    If you do not have a Terms and Conditions, you can use our Terms and Conditions Generator and create one within minutes.

    On the download page, scroll to the Copy your Terms and Conditions section and click the Copy this to clipboard button:

    TermsFeed App: Terms and Conditions Download page - Copy your Terms and Conditions section highlighted

  10. Paste the HTML code:

    TermsFeed Ucraft - Pages - System - Terms and Conditions page - Custom HTML - paste code highlighted

  11. Click Embed Code:

    TermsFeed Ucraft - Pages - System - Terms and Conditions page - Custom HTML - Embed Code highlighted

  12. Click Publish:

    TermsFeed Ucraft - Pages - System - Terms and Conditions page - Custom HTML - Publish highlighted

  13. Click Clear the cache next to your website URL marked as Live:

    TermsFeed Ucraft - Pages - System - Terms and Conditions page - Custom HTML - Publish - Clear cache of the live website highlighted

  14. Reload your website so that edits appear:

    TermsFeed Ucraft - Live website - Reload option highlighted

  15. The Terms and Conditions agreement is now linked and displayed in the website's footer:

    TermsFeed Ucraft - Live website - Reloaded - Footer with the Terms and Conditions page linked and displayed highlighted

  16. You will now have a Terms and Conditions page:

    TermsFeed Ucraft - Live website - Reloaded - The Terms and Conditions page displayed highlighted