
  1. Log in to Ucraft. Click Edit:

    TermsFeed Ucraft - My Sites - Edit website highlighted

  2. Go to the Dashboard:

    TermsFeed Ucraft - Edit website - Dashboard highlighted

  3. Select Pages:

    TermsFeed Ucraft - Edit website - Dashboard - Pages highlighted

  4. Switch to the System Pages tab and open the Cookies Policy page:

    TermsFeed Ucraft - Pages - System - Cookies Policy page highlighted

  5. Delete the placeholder text and its title:

    TermsFeed Ucraft - Cookies Policy page - Delete option  highlighted

  6. Go to Elements:

    TermsFeed Ucraft - page is empty - Elements   highlighted

  7. Drag and drop the Custom HTML element onto the page:

    TermsFeed Ucraft - Pages - System - page - Elements  - Custom HTML - drag and drop highlighted

  8. Type "Cookies Policy" in the first field as the label on the HTML page:

    TermsFeed Ucraft - Pages - System - Cookies Policy page - Custom HTML - Enter label highlighted

  9. In the field below, enter your HTML code.

    If you do not have a Cookies Policy, you can use our Cookies Policy Generator and create it within minutes.

    Under the Copy your Cookies Policy section, click on Copy this to clipboard.

    TermsFeed App: Cookies Policy Download page - Copy your Cookies Policy section highlighted

  10. Paste the HTML code:

    TermsFeed Ucraft - Pages - System - Cookies Policy page - Custom HTML - paste code highlighted

  11. Click Embed Code:

    TermsFeed Ucraft - Pages - System - Cookies Policy page - Custom HTML - Embed Code highlighted

  12. Click Publish:

    TermsFeed Ucraft - Pages - System - Cookies Policy page - Custom HTML - Publish highlighted

  13. Click Clear cache next to your website URL marked as Live:

    TermsFeed Ucraft - Pages - System - Cookies Policy page - Custom HTML - Publish - Clear cache of the live website highlighted

  14. Reload your website so that edits appear:

    TermsFeed Ucraft - Live website - Reload option highlighted

  15. The Cookies Policy is now linked and displayed in the website's footer:

    TermsFeed Ucraft - Live website - Reloaded - Footer with the Cookies Policy page linked and displayed highlighted

  16. You now have a Cookies Policy page:

    TermsFeed Ucraft - Live website - Reloaded - The Cookies Policy page displayed highlighted