Videos: WebSight

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Video: How to Link to Terms and Conditions URL on WebSight

Steps Log in through the WebSight admin panel. Select a space for the demo site. For this example, we've used the "Luna - custom code" space: When the pages list opens, click on the Homepage to edit it: From the left menu, go to the Content tree icon and select Footer: Click on the...

Video: How to Link to Privacy Policy URL on WebSight

Steps Log in through the WebSight admin panel. Select a space for the demo site. For this example, we've used the "Luna - custom code" space: It opens the pages list. Click on the Homepage to edit it: From the left menu, go to the Content tree icon and select Footer: Click on the...

Video: How to Add a Terms and Conditions Page on WebSight

Steps Log in through the WebSight admin panel. Select a space for the demo site. For this example, we've used the "Luna - custom code" space: When the pages list opens, click "Create page" in the top right: The "Create new page" dialog will open. Select a template and click Next: Type "Terms and...

Video: How to Add a Privacy Policy Page on WebSight

Steps Log in through the WebSight admin panel. Select a space for the demo site. For this example, we've used the "Luna - custom code" space: When the pages list opens, click "Create page" in the top right: The "Create new page" dialog will open. Select a template and click Next: Type "Privacy Policy"...