
  1. Log in to your PrestaShop account. From the Dashboard page, go to Design and select Manage modules:

    TermsFeed PrestaShop - Dashboard - Design - Manage modules selected

  2. Switch to the Product Page tab:

    TermsFeed PrestaShop - Manage modules - Product page selected

  3. Open the Product detail:

    TermsFeed PrestaShop - Manage modules - Product page detail selected

  4. Configure the Customer reassurance:

    TermsFeed PrestaShop - Manage modules - Product page detail - Customer reassurance - Configure selected

  5. Activate the Return Policy:

    TermsFeed PrestaShop - Customer reassurance - Configure - Return Policy disabled

  6. Edit the Return Policy:

    TermsFeed PrestaShop - Customer reassurance - Configure - Return Policy enabled - Edit selected

  7. Set it as "Redirection to URL":

    TermsFeed PrestaShop - Customer reassurance - Configure - Return Policy enabled - Edit - redirection none selected

  8. Add the URL to your Return Policy.

    In order to get the Return and Refund Policy URL link, go to the TermsFeed Return and Refund Policy Generator to create the policy and get the hosted policy URL.

    Once you have the Return and Refund Policy created by TermsFeed,let's get the policy text. In the Link to your Return and Refund Policy section, click on the green Copy button:

    TermsFeed Generators App: Return and Refund Policy Download Page - Link to hosted Return and Refund Policy URL copy option highlighted

  9. Paste the Return and Refund Policy link in the URL field:

    TermsFeed PrestaShop - Customer reassurance - Configure - Return Policy enabled - Edit - redirection URL - paste

  10. Click Save:

    TermsFeed PrestaShop - Customer reassurance - Configure - Return Policy enabled - Edit - redirection URL - pasted - Save

  11. Go to View my store:

    TermsFeed PrestaShop - Customer reassurance - Configured - Return Policy enabled - View my store

  12. The Return policy is displayed and linked on the product page:

    TermsFeed PrestaShop - View my store - Product page - The Return Policy enabled - is linked and displayed

  13. You can also see it on the cart page:

    TermsFeed PrestaShop - View my store - Product page - Cart - The Return Policy linked and displayed