
  1. Log in to the Modern platform. From the Modern dashboard, go to Sites:

    TermsFeed Modern - Dashboard - Sites

  2. Go to Websites from the top menu:

    TermsFeed Modern - Sites - Websites selected

  3. From the list of your websites, select the website you'd like to edit by clicking on the website's name:

    TermsFeed Modern - Sites - Websites - TermsFeed App selected

  4. Under Pages, click on the Add new page button:

    TermsFeed Modern - Sites - Websites - TermsFeed App - Pages - Add new page selected

  5. The "New page for Website" window will open. Add "Privacy Policy" as the page name and click the Create new page button:

    TermsFeed Modern - Websites - Add new page window - Privacy Policy name added - Create button selected

  6. The new Privacy Policy page will be added at the end of the Pages list. Click on the Edit button:

    TermsFeed Modern - Pages - Privacy Policy - Edit selected

  7. The new page will be empty. For the purposes of this example, we've added the Global elements: Header and Footer and a Section element. Click on the Add row to start on the page editing:

    TermsFeed Modern - Privacy Policy - Edit with Add row button highlighted

  8. Select the 1 column option:

    TermsFeed Modern - Privacy Policy - Edit with Add row - 1 column selected

  9. Click on the Add element:

    TermsFeed Modern - Privacy Policy - Edit with Add row - 1 column - Add element button selected

  10. Find the Code element and add it:

    TermsFeed Modern - Privacy Policy - Edit with Add row - 1 column - Add element - Code selected

  11. The Custom code element editor will open on the right side menu. Click on the Open Code Editor button:

    TermsFeed Modern - Privacy Policy - Edit - Custom code element - Open Code Editor button selected

  12. The Custom Javascript/HTML window will open. Add your code in the code editor.

    If you do not have a Privacy Policy, you can use our Privacy Policy Generator and create it within minutes.

    Once you have the Privacy Policy created by TermsFeed, let's get the policy text. Under the Copy your Privacy Policy section, click on Copy this to clipboard:

    TermsFeed App: Privacy Policy Download page - Copy your Privacy Policy section highlighted

  13. Paste the HTML code of your Privacy Policy in the custom code editor:

    TermsFeed Modern - Page - Edit - Custom code element - Code Editor window - paste

  14. Click Save:

    TermsFeed Modern - Privacy Policy - Edit - Custom code element - Code Editor window - pasted - Save

  15. If you'd like to see the content of your custom code added use the Preview Custom Codes option in the top page editor menu:

    TermsFeed Modern - Privacy Policy - Edit - Custom code element - The preview option highlighted

  16. Go to the Save button option at the top right to save your changes. After the changes are saved, use the Eye icon to preview the page:

    TermsFeed Modern - Privacy Policy - Edit - Custom code element - Save and Preview options highlighted

  17. The Privacy Policy page is now displayed on your Modern website:

    TermsFeed Modern - Privacy Policy page displayed