In this video you will learn how to:

  • Disable the current links in the footer block
  • Edit the existing Privacy Policy page in Magento 2's Dashboard
  • Add a new Block (Footer Links)
  • Add a new Widget (Footer Links)
  • Display your Privacy Policy page in the footer section of the Magento 2 website

Note: In this example we've used Magento 2 (version 2.4.7), an open-source version, installed on a Windows 11 machine.

  1. Go to the Magento 2 folder on your machine.

    In our case, it's the "termsfeed" folder. Follow the path: vendor > magento > module-cms > view > frontend > layout to get to the default.xml file.

    In the "layout" folder find the default.xml file and open it:

    TermsFeed Magento 2 - Folder - Layout - Open the default.xml file

  2. Add a new parameter - remove="true" - on line 13 in the default.xml file:

    TermsFeed Magento 2 - Folder - Layout - The default.xml file - edit to add remove true and save changes

  3. Go to the Magento's Dashboard and clear the cache. To do so, go to System:

    TermsFeed Magento 2 - Dashboard - System

  4. Select Cache Management under Tools:

    TermsFeed Magento 2 - Dashboard - System - Tools - Cache Management

  5. Even though all looks OK, you still need to Flush Magento Cache:

    TermsFeed Magento 2 - Dashboard - System - Tools - Cache Management - Flush Magento Cache

  6. Reload the page to see changes:

    TermsFeed Magento 2 - Website - Reload the page to see changes

The existing links in the website footer are removed now. The next step is to update the Privacy Policy page which is created by default by Magento 2, but we're going to update it with our own content.

Step 2. Edit the existing Privacy Page

  1. Go back to Magento's Dashboard. From the Content section, select Pages:

    TermsFeed Magento 2 - Dashboard - Content - Pages

  2. The Pages list will open. For the Privacy and Cookie Policy page, in the Action column, click on the Select link and choose the Edit option:

    TermsFeed Magento 2 - Dashboard - Content - Pages - Privacy and Cookie Policy - Action select Edit

  3. Edit the Page Title:

    TermsFeed Magento 2 - Pages - Privacy and Cookie Policy - Edit Page Title

  4. Open the Content section. Edit the Content Heading:

    TermsFeed Magento 2 - Pages - Privacy and Cookie Policy - Edit Content Heading

  5. To edit the text, click on the "Edit with Page Builder" button:

    TermsFeed Magento 2 - Pages - Privacy and Cookie Policy - Edit Content text - Edit with Page Builder button

  6. In the page editor to open the HTML code editor. To do so, click on the Gear icon next to the HTML code:

    TermsFeed Magento 2 - Pages - Privacy and Cookie Policy - Edit Content text - Edit with Page Builder button - Click the Gear icon

  7. The Edit HTML Code editor opens. Select the entire code and delete it:

    TermsFeed Magento 2 - Pages - Privacy and Cookie Policy - Edit HTML Code - Select all text and delete it

  8. Now you can add your Privacy Policy HTML code.

    If you do not have a Privacy Policy, you can use our Privacy Policy Generator and create it within minutes.

    Once you have the Privacy Policy created by TermsFeed, let's get the policy text. Under the Copy your Privacy Policy section, click on Copy this to clipboard:

    TermsFeed App: Privacy Policy Download page - Copy your Privacy Policy section highlighted

  9. Paste the HTML code of your Privacy Policy in the text box:

    TermsFeed Magento 2 - Pages - Privacy and Cookie Policy - Edit HTML Code - Paste

  10. Click Save:

    TermsFeed Magento 2 - Pages - Privacy and Cookie Policy - Edit HTML Code - Pasted - Save

  11. Open the Search Engine Optimization section and edit the URL Key to be "privacy-policy" (for example). That will be your new Privacy Policy URL path:

    TermsFeed Magento 2 - Pages - Privacy and Cookie Policy - Edit Search Engine Optimization - URL Key

  12. Click Save:

    TermsFeed Magento 2 - Pages - Privacy and Cookie Policy - Edited - Save

  13. Your edits are saved. To preview the Privacy Policy page you've just created, click Back:

    TermsFeed Magento 2 - Pages - Privacy Policy page - edited and saved - Go Back

  14. From the list of Privacy Policy page actions, select View option:

    TermsFeed Magento 2 - Pages - Privacy Policy page - Actions select View

  15. The Privacy Policy page is now displayed:

    TermsFeed Magento 2 - Website - Privacy Policy page - Displayed

The Privacy Policy page is now created. In order to show the link to this Privacy Policy page in the footer, we need to create a new block (as shown in Step 3 below).

  1. Go back to Magento's Dashboard and select Blocks from the Content section:

    TermsFeed Magento 2 - Dashboard - Content - Blocks

  2. Click the "Add New Block" button:

    TermsFeed Magento 2 - Blocks - Add New Block

  3. Fill in the required fields for the New Block settings:

    TermsFeed Magento 2 - Blocks - Add New Block - The required fields filled

    The required fields are:

    • Make sure that the Enable block is enabled
    • Add "Block Title." For example, "Footer Links"
    • Add "Identifier." For example, "footerlinks"
    • Select the "Store View." For example, "All Store Views"
  4. Scroll down and click on the "Edit with Page Builder" button:

    TermsFeed Magento 2 - Blocks - Add New Block - The required fields filled - Edit with Page Builder button

  5. Drag and drop the Row layout in the page editor:

    TermsFeed Magento 2 - Blocks - Add New Block - The required fields filled - Edit with Page Builder - Drag and drop Row

  6. Open the Elements section and drag and drop the Text element in the row (in the page editor):

    TermsFeed Magento 2 - Blocks - Add New Block - The required fields filled - Edit with Page Builder - Drag and drop Row - Elements - Text

  7. Select the Link icon from the editor:

    TermsFeed Magento 2 - Blocks - Add New Block - Text editor - Link icon selected

  8. The Insert/Edit Link window opens. Fill in the fields:

    TermsFeed Magento 2 - Blocks - Add New Block - Text editor - Insert Link window fields filled - Save

    In our example, we'll show how to add the internal website page link.

    Add the following:

    • In the "URL" field add "/termsfeed/privacy-policy"
    • In the "Text to display" type "Privacy Policy"
    • In the "Title" field type "Privacy Policy" 
    • In the "Open link in" section select one between "Current window" or "New window" (dependably how you want your link to open)
    • When done, click Save
  9. Click Save (in the New Block editor):

    TermsFeed Magento 2 - Blocks - Add New Block - Save

The Footer Links Block is now created.

In order to display the link to the Privacy Policy in the footer we first need to create a new Widget and add this newly created Block to the Widget. To do so, continue with Step 4 below.

  1. Go to Content and select Widgets:

    TermsFeed Magento 2 - Blocks - Add New Block - Saved - Content - Widgets

  2. Click "Add Widget" button:

    TermsFeed Magento 2 - Widgets - Add Widget

  3. Adjust the Widget Settings:

    TermsFeed Magento 2 - Widgets - Add Widget - Settings - Type - CMS Static Block - Theme - Continue

    In the Widget Settings section adjust the following:

    • From the "Type" dropdown menu select the "CMS Static Block" 
    • From the "Design Theme" dropdown menu select your theme 
    • When done, click the "Continue" button
  4. Adjust the Widget Storefront Properties:

    TermsFeed Magento 2 - Widgets - Add Widget - Storefront Properties - Title added - All Store Views assigned

    For the Widget Storefront Properties add:

    • In the "Widget Title" type "Footer Links" (for example)
    • For the "Assign to Store Views" select the "All Store Views" option
  5. In the "Layout updates" section click the "Add Layout Update" button.

    TermsFeed Magento 2 - Widgets - Add Widget - Storefront Properties - Layout updates - Display on All pages in CMS Footer Links container

    This step will add a new layout and open additional settings. Add the following:

    • For the "Display" section, from the dropdown menu select "All pages"
    • For the "Container" section, from the dropdown menu select the "CMS Footer Links," and 
    • The chosen template will be shown here and it is the "CMS Static Block Default Template"
  6. Scroll up to the "Widget options" section (on the right side). Click the "Select Block" button (on the left side):

    TermsFeed Magento 2 - Widgets - Add Widget - Options - Select Block

  7. The "Select block" opens in a new window. Select the "Footer Links" block from the Block list:

    TermsFeed Magento 2 - Widgets - Add Widget - Options - Select Block - Footer Links

  8. Click Save (in the Widget editor):

    TermsFeed Magento 2 - Widgets - Add Widget - Options - Select Block - Footer Links added - Save

We have added the Footer Links Block to the Footer Links Widget, which means that all links added to the Block will be displayed at the footer section of the website.

Please make sure to flush the Magento's Cache.

  1. Go to System > Cache Management to clear the cache:

    TermsFeed Magento 2 - Widgets - Add new - System - Cache Management

  2. Select the columns with "Invalidated" status and click the "Submit" button:

    TermsFeed Magento 2 - Widgets - Add new - System - Cache Management - Select Invalidated and click Submit

  3. Reload the page to see changes:

    TermsFeed Magento 2 - Website - Reload the page to see changes

  4. The Privacy Policy page is linked at the footer of the Magento 2 website:

    TermsFeed Magento 2 - Website - Footer with Privacy Policy page linked and displayed