
  1. Log in to your Kartra account. From the dashboard go to Pages:

    TermsFeed Kartra - Dashboard with Pages selected

  2. Click on the Plus Page box to add a new page:

    TermsFeed Kartra - Dashboard with Pages - Add new

  3. The Pages Templates options will open. Select Blank page:

    TermsFeed Kartra - Dashboard with Pages - Add new - templates - Blank page

  4. The New Page window will open. Add "Terms and Conditions" as the Page name. Select Category and Site. When done, click Create:

    TermsFeed Kartra - Pages - Add new - templates - Blank page - a window opens - Type Terms and Conditions as the Page name, select category and site, and click Create

  5. Click Add new section:

    TermsFeed Kartra - Terms and Conditions Page - Add section

  6. From Basic Elements, select the Empty section and click on it from the preview:

    TermsFeed Kartra - Privacy Policy Page - Add section -  Empty section selected

  7. Turn ON Edit columns from the header editor menu:

    TermsFeed Kartra - Terms and Conditions Page - Empty section added - Turn ON edit columns

  8. Go to Components and click on Columns:

    TermsFeed Kartra - Page - Empty section added - ON edit columns - Components - Add Columns

  9. Select the column, then drag and drop it in the Drop here field marked in green:

    TermsFeed Kartra - Page - Empty section added - ON edit columns - Components - Add Columns - 1 - drag and drop into the green field

  10. Turn OFF the Edit columns. Go to the Components (again) and select Text:

    TermsFeed Kartra - Page - Empty section added - OFF edit columns - Components - Add Text

  11. Select Text and drag and drop it in the green field:

    TermsFeed Kartra - Page - Empty section added - OFF edit columns - Components - Add Text - Drag and drop in the green field

  12. Edit Text.

    If you do not have a Terms and Conditions, you can use our Terms and Conditions Generator and create one within minutes.

    Once you have the Terms and Conditions created by TermsFeed, let's get the policy text. You can copy the HTML variant of the policy or download the Plain Text file format:

    TermsFeed App: Terms and Conditions Download page - Download your Terms and Conditions - TXT file highlighted

  13. Paste your text in the field. Go to Actions and select the Publish live option:

    TermsFeed Kartra - Terms and Conditions Page - Actions - Saved - Publish live

  14. From the "Publish page" window select how you'd like to publish the page. For example, we selected Get the page link option:

    TermsFeed Kartra - Page - Actions - Publish live - Get the page link

  15. The link to your page is provided. Copy link:

    TermsFeed Kartra - Terms and Conditions Page - Saved - Actions - Publish live - Get the page link - copy

  16. Open the new window in your browser. Paste the link to the page. Your Terms and Conditions page is displayed:

    TermsFeed Kartra - Terms and Conditions Page - Published - displayed