
  1. Log in to Kajabi.

  2. From the Kajabi Dashboard, go to the Website:

    TermsFeed Kajabi: Dashboard - Website selected

  3. Go to Navigation:

    TermsFeed Kajabi: Dashboard - Website - Navigation selected

  4. In the Footer menu section, click +Add:

    TermsFeed Kajabi: Dashboard - Website - Navigation - Footer - Add selected

  5. Select "Add Link" from the dropdown menu:

    TermsFeed Kajabi: Dashboard - Website - Navigation - Footer - Add Link selected

  6. The New Link window will open. Type "Disclaimer" in the Title field:

    TermsFeed Kajabi: Navigation - Footer - Add New Link - Disclaimer Title added

  7. Add the URL to the Disclaimer in the Path or URL field.

    Go to the TermsFeed Disclaimer Generator to create the Disclaimer and get the hosted Disclaimer URL webpage.

    Once you have the Disclaimer created by TermsFeed, click Copy from the Link to your Disclaimer section to copy the URL:

    TermsFeed Generators App: Disclaimer Download Page - Link to hosted Disclaimer URL copy option highlighted

  8. Paste the Disclaimer URL in the Path or URL field:

    TermsFeed Kajabi: Navigation - Footer - Add New Link - Disclaimer Title added - Path or URL paste option highlighted

  9. Click Save:

    TermsFeed Kajabi: Navigation - Footer - New Link - Disclaimer URL added - Save  highlighted

  10. The Disclaimer link is now added to the footer menu. Go to the Eye icon (next to the Website) to preview changes:

    TermsFeed Kajabi: Dashboard - Website - Navigation menu - Eye icon highlighted

  11. The Disclaimer link is now displayed in the footer of your Kajabi website:

    TermsFeed Kajabi: Website - Preview mode - The Disclaimer page is displayed in the website footer

You're done!