
  1. Log in to your AbleCommerce website.

  2. Go to Website:

    TermsFeed Able Commerce Dashboard - Website option selected

  3. Select Content Pages:

    TermsFeed Able Commerce Dashboard - Website - Content Pages option selected

  4. Click the Add a Content Page button:

    TermsFeed Able Commerce: The Website - Content Pages - Add page button selected

  5. Type "Terms and Conditions" in the Page Name field. The Page URL field will be filled automatically. Continue and click Save and Edit button:

    TermsFeed Able Commerce: Website - Content Pages - Add page - Terms and Conditions - Save and Edit button highlighted

  6. The page editor will open. Select the HTML tab:

    TermsFeed Able Commerce: Website - Content Pages - Terms and Conditions - HTML tab highlighted

  7. Select the Code View option from the editor:

    TermsFeed Able Commerce: Terms and Conditions - HTML tab - Code View  highlighted

  8. Add the text of your Terms and Conditions in the code editor.

    If you do not have a Terms and Conditions, you can use our Terms and Conditions Generator and create it within minutes.

    Once you have the Terms and Conditions created by TermsFeed, let's get the agreement text. Under the Copy your Terms and Conditions section, click on Copy this to clipboard:

    TermsFeed App: Terms and Conditions Download page - Copy your Terms and Conditions section highlighted

  9. Paste the HTML code of your Terms and Conditions:

    TermsFeed Able Commerce: Terms and Conditions - HTML tab - Code View - Paste  highlighted

  10. Click Save and Close (at the bottom):

    TermsFeed Able Commerce: Terms and Conditions - HTML tab - Save  highlighted

  11. Click on the Preview icon to see your page:

    TermsFeed Able Commerce: Content Pages list - Terms and Conditions - Preview icon highlighted

  12. Copy the URL of your page from the browser address bar:

    TermsFeed Able Commerce: Terms and Conditions - Preview  - Copy URL from browser highlighted

  13. Scroll to the footer section of the page and click ON to start editing that section:

    TermsFeed Able Commerce: Privacy Policy - Preview  - Footer - the ON highlighted

  14. Click the Edit icon under the Store Footer Dark section:

    TermsFeed Able Commerce: Privacy Policy - Preview  - Footer - the ON - Edit section highlighted

  15. Click again on the Edit icon in the Footer Links Dark section:

    TermsFeed Able Commerce: Privacy Policy - Preview  - Footer - the ON - Edit section - Links edit highlighted

  16. The section editor will open. Type "Terms and Conditions" and highlight it, then click on the Link icon:

    TermsFeed Able Commerce: Terms and Conditions - Preview  - Footer - the ON - Edit section - Links edit - add link highlighted

  17. The Insert Link window will open. Paste the browser URL in the "To what URL should this link go?" field and click on the Insert Link button:

    TermsFeed Able Commerce: Terms and Conditions - Preview  - Footer - the ON - Edit section - Links edit - add link - paste and insert link highlighted

  18. Click on the Save icon when done to save your changes in the section:

    TermsFeed Able Commerce: Terms and Conditions - Preview  - Footer - the ON - Edit section - Links edit - link added - save highlighted

  19. To go back, click on the Edit icon from the footer section again, and click the OFF option:

    TermsFeed Able Commerce: Privacy Policy - Preview  - Footer section edited - OFF  highlighted

  20. The Terms and Conditions page is added and linked in the footer:

    TermsFeed Able Commerce: Terms and Conditions - Preview  - Footer section - The Terms and Conditions Page added and linked highlighted

You're done!