Targeting and Advertising Cookies

Cookies are often required for a website to load and work as intended. That's why, if you have a website, you are most likely using at least certain types of cookies to process data. But while certain cookies are essential, others, such as advertising cookies, are not. If you use non-essential...

Tracking and Analytics Cookies

Even if you're not aware of it, if you have a website, chances are you're using cookies. This is because, in most cases, websites must use at least certain types of cookies to function properly and deliver the user experience that customers expect. The types of cookies your website might use...

What Are Functional Cookies?

Virtually every website uses cookies. That's because, in many cases, a website simply won't work properly without the presence of certain types of cookies. One such type of cookie is a "functional" cookie. Below, we explore what functional cookies are, what purpose they serve, and whether you need consent to install...

First-Party Cookies vs Third-Party Cookies

If you're a marketer or website owner, there's a good chance you use cookies on your website. Cookies are often required for websites to work properly and they can enhance the user experience. However, not all cookies are created equal. Internet cookies can be grouped into two main categories: First and...

Do Essential Cookies Require Cookie Consent and Cookie Notice?

Any businesses that use essential cookies on their websites should understand what a Cookie Notice is and when cookie consent is required. While essential cookies do not require cookie consent, there are a number of reasons why you should still have a cookie consent mechanism on your website. This article explains...

Cookies Policy for Blogger (Blogspot)

Anyone using cookies on their Blogger site should have a Cookies Policy in order to comply with state and global data protection laws and Google's legal policies. Blogger users that violate Google's legal policies risk having their accounts suspended and their blogs deleted. Blogger is a free blogging platform that has...

Cookies Policy for Wix Websites

A Cookies Policy describes how your website uses cookies to improve users' experiences, engage in targeted advertising, or collect marketing data, among other reasons. Wix is a user-friendly platform that many businesses use to build professional websites. This article will describe what a Cookies Policy is, why you need one in...

How to Add a Cookies Policy to Your WordPress Site

Adding a Cookies Policy to your WordPress website is an easy way to boost your legal compliance as well as your transparency with your website visitors. As more global privacy laws require you to disclose what cookies your website uses and for what purpose, having a Cookies Policy available now will...

Social Media Cookies

Have you ever wondered how websites recall the contents of your online shopping cart or remember your sign-in information or just give off a more personal feel? Look no further than cookies. These small packets of data have taken the internet by storm and are currently the most common method of...

Does the GDPR Require the Listing of Individual Cookies by Name?

The European Union currently boasts the world's most comprehensive and expansive regulatory framework to date, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Complementing this law is the e-Privacy Directive (aka the EU Cookies Directive) to ensure the firm establishment of data protection and online privacy in the EU. A critical area covered...

How to Write a Cookies Opt-Out and Management Clause

Cookies are an important part of creating effective, personalized websites and apps. However, not all users want certain kinds of activity and information tracked by your website. Tightening regulations and changing user preferences mean that a Cookies Opt-Out and Management Clause is an important part of any complete Privacy Policy and...

How to Write a "What Cookies are Being Used For" Clause

Many Privacy Policies and Cookies Policies have a clause explaining what cookies are being used for. Including a clause like this both builds trust with users and may fulfill requirements for your policies. The clause may explain that the website uses cookies, what data the cookies take, how the site uses...

Cookies Policy vs Cookie Consent

A Cookies Policy and Cookie Consent are not the same thing. A Cookies Policy is a public statement that provides information to your website visitors about the user data your cookies track, why that information is being tracked, and where it is sent. Cookie Consent is when website users give you permission...

GDPR: Don't Use Pre-Ticked Boxes for Cookies

When the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) passed in 2016, websites started putting up cookie banners in preparation for its 2018 enforcement date. But many of these cookie banners didn't actually comply with the new consent thresholds imposed by the GDPR. Nearly five years have passed, and most cookie consent solutions...

How to Write a Cookies Policy

Cookies have infiltrated every corner of the internet. They're on all of our devices, gathering information about where we shop, what we read, and pretty much everything else we do online. If you operate a website or app, the chances are that you'll be using cookies. You need to let your...