Blog: Privacy Policy Agreements

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Legal Agreements for Blogs

When you decide to start a blog, you may need to do more than just start posting. Legal agreements for blogs may not be fun, but they're in some cases mandatory, and in all cases very important both for you and your blog visitors. Keep reading to determine if your blog needs...

Adhere to your own Privacy Policy

The importance of having a Privacy Policy has been frequently emphasized. However simply having it is not enough, you need to make sure you stick to the terms of your policy. The importance of adhering to your Privacy Policy was recently highlighted by the charges against the company Nomi Technologies. Nomi provides...

Privacy Policy for IoT devices

The Internet of Things (IoT) has the potential to make people's lives easier and more efficient, but the trade-off could be the potential issues that could arise over the security of collected personal data. If you're developing IoT devices, you must address these privacy issues when designing your device. Do so...

Today's Tip: Learn From eBay-PayPal Split

The eBay/PayPal split came as a pleasant surprise to some, a disappointment to others, and was an expected and smart business move to some. One thing that everyone can agree on is that users of both services have been very adequately notified about the resulting legal updates and implications thanks to...

Privacy guidelines for Apple Watch apps

In the future, wearable technology, such as the Apple Watch, will revolutionize the way we look after ourselves. Originally the head and the wrist were the only parts of the body that could be fitted with tracking functions but now smart wear, such as wearable shirts have been introduced, which...

Privacy laws in Southeast Asia

Southeast Asia is a rapidly changing and growing economic area, and with economic growth comes new pressures and needs for legal guidance. Privacy is becoming increasingly important to consumers, and if you are operating a website or app in Southeast Asia, there are a number of recently introduced pieces of legislation...