Blog: Privacy Policy Agreements

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Legal Pages

Businesses may need to employ various types of legal pages on their websites or mobile apps. Some, like Privacy Policies, are required by law, while others, such as a Terms and Conditions agreement (T&C), are not. Regardless of legal demands, you may find that your company needs one or more...

Privacy Policies vs. Terms & Conditions

The main difference here is that a Privacy Policy is required by law if you collect or use any personal information from your users, e.g. email addresses, first and last names etc. while a Terms & Conditions agreement sets forth terms, conditions, requirements, and clauses relating to the use of...

Privacy Policy for Perfect Audience Remarketing

Perfect Audience is a popular remarketing or retargeting platform that places your ads on social media outlets (Facebook, Twitter) and across the web. Remarketing (also called retargeting) is an effective method of advertising that focuses on pulling back users who have visited your website or used your mobile app but didn't...

Use Clickwrap on Registration Forms

Registration forms are used in a number of places, such as lead generation landing pages, as well as sign-up pages, getting quotes for services, event sign-ups, membership forms, competition entries, and even patient information online for medical clinics. As these forms have so many uses, they are very ubiquitous. But many of...

CalOPPA: California Online Privacy Protection Act

The state of privacy legislation in the United States is pretty shocking: there's no overarching federal data privacy law at all. The United States lags far behind Europe and the UK, and even behind many up-and-coming economies in Southeast Asia. The primary data privacy law in the US that applies generally, rather...

What's Missing From Your Landing Page: Clickwrap

The typical marketing approach to landing pages is for all navigation bars to be hidden so that the call-to-action is clear and uncluttered with excess unnecessary web components (navigation, other links etc.) While this may make complete sense from a marketing perspective, this is a huge mistake from a legal perspective. Your...