Blog: Privacy Policy Agreements

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Privacy Policy for Wistia

Wistia is a popular video hosting platform that lets businesses integrate marketing and analytics features and functions into their videos. It's like YouTube for businesses. Different analytical features like trend graphs and video heat maps can help your business track popularity of the specific videos you upload and manage through Wistia. The Turnstile...

Legal Agreements for YouTube channels

YouTube has made it possible for anyone and everyone to become famous on the internet. From funny cat videos to professional training tools and business marketing, YouTube has it all. Businesses and individuals can create YouTube Channels where their videos can be published and made available all in one convenient spot...

The "Your California Privacy Rights" clause

You have probably noticed how many websites include a "California Privacy Rights" clause somewhere within their Privacy Policy agreements, and oftentimes link separately to this clause from their website's footer section. This kind of clause is required for certain businesses by the "California Civil Code Section 1798.83" also known as California's...

Privacy Policy for Twitter Remarketing

Twitter Remarketing allows businesses to use Twitter to reach a larger audience of potential customers and gain more followers for Twitter account of a business. Because remarketing tracks visitors' activities and uses cookies to do so, issues of privacy are raised. If you use any form of remarketing, your Privacy Policy must...

Privacy Policy for Advertising SDKs

People love free apps. Unfortunately, to keep apps free, different types of in-app advertising are usually included in free apps. These advertisements can include everything from 30-second videos a user must watch every so often while using the app, a banner bar located somewhere on the main page of the app...

Privacy Policy for WordPress Websites

If you run a WordPress website, you almost certainly will need a Privacy Policy. This is because if your site collects any personal information, privacy laws require a Privacy Policy, and WordPress requires that you comply with relevant laws when using its platform. This article will teach you why you need...