Blog: Privacy Policy Agreements

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Privacy Policy for Pinterest Advertising

Pinterest is a social media platform that enables users to curate and share images, GIFs, and videos through their account pinboards. Users can save pins to their boards and create customized digital scrapbooks. Pinterest's popularity continues to grow, and many merchants have found considerable success through its advertising services. Whenever Pinterest...

Always Separate Your Legal Agreements

If you run an online business, you'll need a wide range of legal agreements. Some may be required by law, while others aren't legally required but are agreements that you will really want in place in order to thoroughly protect your business. For example, if your website collects personal information from...

Privacy Policy for Flurry

Flurry Analytics is a feature of Flurry that lets app publishers track analytical information about how an app is being used. Platforms like Flurry collect non-personally-identifying information about users like what model and type of device a user is accessing the app on, what language, date and time the app is...

Business Transfer Clause in Privacy Policy

You not only require the right language - the Business Transfer clause - in your Privacy Policy but you also must be prepared to give users notice when you decide to sell your application or company. Users trust you with their data and that duty does not go away when you...

Examples of "Click to Accept"

The "click to accept" method is the most common approach when it comes to getting users to agree to your Terms and Conditions (also known as Terms of Use or Terms of Service), Privacy Policy and other important legal agreements. This article will explain why, and show some examples so you...

Privacy Shield (Invalidated)

In October of 2015, the EU-U.S. Safe Harbor program was invalidated, and in February of 2016, a draft of the new EU-U.S. Privacy Shield was introduced. However, on July 16, 2020, Privacy Shield itself was also invalidated. It is no longer an acceptable method for safe transfers of data, and has...