Blog: Privacy Policy Agreements

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Data Protection Officer (DPO)

A Data Protection Officer (DPO) is an independent professional tasked with overseeing a company's data protection strategy and ensuring compliance with data privacy laws. Since the arrival of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), appointing a DPO has become mandatory for many organizations worldwide and a best practice in general. This article...

India IT Act of 2000 (Information Technology Act)

India's IT Act 2000 covers offenses involving computers, computer systems, or computer networks in India. It also makes acts like hacking, data theft, spreading of computer viruses, identity theft, defamation (sending offensive messages), pornography, child pornography, and cyber terrorism criminal offenses, and gives legal validity to electronic contracts and recognition...

Australia Privacy Act of 1988

If your business is registered in Australia or you have customers or end users in the Australian market, you must comply with Australia's Privacy Act of 1988. This article looks at what this act requires while giving you practical steps and best practies for how to comply, including a breakdown of...

Privacy by Design

Your privacy protection practices go beyond having a good Privacy Policy. That's just one tool to protecting your company from liability and communicating expectations with users, but it's not effective if you do not have the business policies to back it up. That is where Privacy by Design (PbD) enters the picture....

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a federal law that sets national standards for the privacy, security, and electronic exchange of personal health information in the United States. If your organization handles any form of health data in the U.S., it's imperative that you comply with HIPAA regulations....

Effective Date in Privacy Policy and Terms of Use

If you subscribe to apps, it's not uncommon to receive emails regarding updated Privacy Policies or Terms & Conditions (T&C). Most agreements contain a date of when the revised terms became effective or finalized. Often generally referred to as the effective date, this is traditionally the date contract terms become enforceable. While...