Blog: Privacy Policy Agreements

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Privacy Policy for Push Notifications

If your app sends push notifications to users, you may need a Privacy Policy. But first, let's cover exactly what a push notification is and does. A push notification is a message from an app that pops up at random times on a mobile device. They're typically formatted like mobile alerts and...

Privacy Policy for Facebook Retargeting

If you use retargeting on Facebook such as with Facebook Pixel or another Website Custom Audiences tool, you're going to need to create a Privacy Policy or update your current Policy to inform users of your use of retargeting. This is because whenever personally identifying user information is collected from users,...

Privacy Center

Having a Privacy Center on your website lets you put all of your important privacy and compliance-related content in one place, while making it easy for your users to navigate and learn about your privacy practices. If you're looking to upgrade your website with something to benefit both you and your...

COPPA Privacy Policy Template

The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) is a U.S. federal privacy law that requires websites that target kids to protect their personal information. This article explains what COPPA is, who it applies to, what it requires, and how to write and display a COPPA-compliant Privacy Policy. What is the Children's Online...

Privacy Policies & Bankruptcy

In bankruptcy, the personal data you collected from users can be considered an asset. That makes user data vulnerable to being transferred to the highest bidder and leaving users feeling exposed. This article provides an overview on how to address the issue of bankruptcy in your Privacy Policy so your user...

Privacy Policy for AdMob

AdMob is a mobile application advertising platform created by Google. It's used to promote mobile apps and to help advertisers make money through mobile apps by enabling in-app advertising. AdMob also works with Google Analytics to help app owners get valuable insight and information about their app's usage and the effectiveness...