Blog: Privacy Policy Agreements

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Privacy Policy for Surveys

Surveys are useful business tools that can help you design products and services around your customers' preferences. However, surveys also collect personal information which means you must inform customers of your privacy practices and take precautions to protect data. In short, if you use surveys, you'll need a Privacy Policy. This...

Child Privacy Laws

While most jurisdictions have passed general laws concerning online privacy protection, there are still relatively few worldwide laws that deal exclusively with online privacy protection for children. In fact, only the US has a law specific to children's privacy as of now. However, if you maintain a website or app that's directed...

GDPR Privacy Policy Template

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is all about transparency, and thus it requires a Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy must meet GDPR requirements with its content, its display, and how consent it obtained. In this article, we will take a look at what the GDPR requires, and how you...

Privacy Policy for Subscription Plans

Businesses that offer a subscription plan benefit from recurring passive income while also providing a service that can help cultivate customer loyalty. However, companies that offer subscription plans typically need to collect personal information from customers, which makes having a Privacy Policy essential. This article explains what a Privacy Policy is,...

GDPR Compliance Plan

The GDPR is currently one of the strictest privacy laws in the world, with a global reach. Here's everything you need to understand the effects of the regulation and get your GDPR compliance plan started. What's the GDPR? The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the EU's new legal framework for protecting personal...

Privacy Policy for User Comments

It is easy to overlook user comments when it comes to privacy practices. Since users often post comments through third party platforms (like Facebook) and submit the information voluntarily, there are few developers who realize privacy protection laws apply to these exchanges. The laws protecting privacy generally apply to any entity...