Blog: Privacy Policy Agreements

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Legal Agreements for Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the most effective and accessible ways to grow your business. With the voice of several influencers and brands driving your products or services, you can quickly turn a profit from and expand a young business venture. Affiliate marketing leverages influencers to increase your business coverage. The...

CalOPPA Privacy Policy Template

Over 39 million people live in California. Do you think there's a possibility that one of them may find his way onto your website or mobile app? If so, your Privacy Policy will need to comply with the California Online Privacy Protection Act (CalOPPA). In this article, we're going to walk...

How the GDPR Affects Business Privacy Policies and Practices

Are your business privacy practices and Privacy Policy compliant with the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)? This wide-sweeping set of privacy regulations went into effect in May 2018 and its ramifications have been virtually global. GDPR Basics Here are a few of the basic facts: The GDPR is a set of regulations...

Privacy Policy for Social Login (Sign In With)

Simply put, social login is a single sign-on (SSO) technology that allows you to identify and register users on your website or app using information collected from their social media accounts. To avoid legal liability, businesses that implement social login ("sign in with" buttons or "login with" buttons) will need to...

Privacy Policies 101: The What, the Why, and the How

Legal papers are not everyone's favorite topic of discussion, especially amid the excitement of starting a new online business. Privacy Policies are, however, absolutely necessary for most any website or mobile application. This article covers the basic facts about Privacy Policies - what they are, why you need them, and what...

Privacy Policies and Language Choices

Since websites and apps are rarely constrained by borders, there are often questions about the language used for Privacy Policies. English is an internationally-accepted standard in business and law, but that does not mean that every user has command of it. There is only one law that dictates the language of...