Blog: Privacy Policy Agreements

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Privacy Policies to Fix Google's Safe Browsing Warnings

If you're like most people, you Google something every single day. What you might not know is that Google has a lot of rules and safeguards in place when it comes to what it shows in its search results. One of these safeguards is the Google Safe Browsing Warnings, which...

A Separate Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions for Subdomains?

Planning on starting a blog as a subdomain of your website? If so, you may be wondering about the legal complexities of creating subdomains for your website. A common question people have is whether separate legal agreements are needed for subdomains. Keep reading to find out the recommendations regarding how to...

Privacy Policies for Sweepstakes

Sweepstakes are a fun way to reach out to and engage with your users. You can use sweepstakes to learn something about your user base, encourage them to take action for you (such as liking or sharing your content), or just as a way to give back with prizes. Usually, a...

Legal Agreements for Chrome Extensions

Chrome Extensions are additional browser add-ons that enhance user experience while browsing online. These extensions help users to maximize the functionalities of Chrome while making the browser more customized and unique for each user's preferences. In order to create this unique user experience, most extensions end up collecting some personal information...

Data Brokers and Privacy of User Data

If you have a business that collects data and plans to sell it to third-parties and data brokers, what do you need to do in order to do this legally? A Privacy Policy is an important and fundamental component of any app or website. In most cases, this is simply a...

How to Update Your Existing Privacy Policy for GDPR Compliance

When working toward compliance with the GDPR, one of your first tasks will probably be to update your Privacy Policy document to meet the new standards. If you currently have a Privacy Policy that is compliant with Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC, you will need to make a few changes to become...