Blog: Privacy Policy Agreements

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GDPR and Mobile Apps

By passing the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the European Union is seeking to bring individuals greater privacy, security, and control over their personal data. Implementing the GDPR's requirements has been a major challenge for many companies. Compliance is important for everyone. And because of the types of information...

Android Collection of Data and Sensitive Data

Android is an open source platform designed to encourage third-party developers. There are now well over two million Android apps, many of them produced by small businesses or indie developers. But mobile apps have the potential to be intrusive. They can allow complete strangers to monitor people's movements, spending habits, and...

Four Reasons to Have a Privacy Policy When Not Legally Required

As international privacy laws become increasingly more complicated and formidable, some businesses and mobile applications are choosing to build data-free environments - websites and applications that do not collect personal information from visitors and users. By offering simple, data-free environments, online businesses can avoid any potential legal privacy disputes, as well...

Is Contact Information Required In Your Privacy Policy?

If you've ever tried in vain to find a way to directly contact a business only to discover that they have no contact information listed on their website, then you know how frustrating the experience can be. It is considered a general customer service best practice for every online business to...

Facebook Page Insights Controller Addendum

Facebook's Page Insights Controller Addendum (an addition to the main policy) applies to anyone administering a Facebook Page within the European Economic Area (EEA). The EEA consists of the 28 EU countries plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway. It requires that Facebook Page admins will need to display or link to particular...

Why You Need to Include Log Data in Your Privacy Policy

Just like a silent spy network, your website is tracking every user's movements in minute detail. Every move they make, including the time and location they made it from, is tracked and recorded by your web servers. Although you were no doubt already aware of the undercover tracking network...