Blog: Legal Requirements

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Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act

The Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA) regulates how companies collect, store, use, and share biometric information. In the past few years, several companies have been taken to court for allegedly violating the BIPA. The Illinois courts treat this law very seriously and are prepared to enforce it against non-Illinois companies. In...

Privacy Policy for Android Apps

If your Android app collects personal information (and it's highly likely that it does), you must create a legally compliant Privacy Policy. Google regularly penalizes developers that fail to maintain a Privacy Policy. A high-profile incident occurred in 2017 when Google threatened to permanently remove non-compliant apps from the Play Store....

Privacy Policy for iOS Apps

Every app hosted on the Apple App Store must work properly, collect user data responsibly, and have a legally-compliant Privacy Policy. Apple sets strict rules about what your iOS App Privacy Policy must disclose. Your iOS app will be rejected from the App Store unless your Privacy Policy meets Apple's...

Transferring Personal Data Out of the EU

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applies to all EU companies, and to many non-EU companies engaged in commercial activity within the EU. Businesses must comply with strict rules about how they collect, use and share personal data. There would be little point in enforcing these rules within the EU...

Canada's New Digital Charter and Changes to PIPEDA

The Government of Canada has created a Digital Charter. It provides Canadians with new rights and expectations about how businesses will treat their personal information. In conjunction with the Digital Charter, flowing from its ten principles, there will also be some changes to the Personal Information Processing and Electronic Documents Act...

Complying With Article 17 of the EU Copyright Directive

Article 17 of the EU Copyright Directive (the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market) prohibits content-sharing platforms from displaying unlicensed copyrighted content on behalf of their users. This piece of legislation became EU law as of June 7, 2019 and was to be implemented by June 7, 2021. We're...